Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Outside views of the U.S.

This Picture here is the Kardashians in front of the White House. I think this is funny because the Kardashians have a huge impact on society. If you havent heard of them they are reality stars that have their own "reality" tv show. They are famous for no reason but have caught several people's attention. This to me symbolizes the power they influence in society. Like they are as important as the white house, they have that power. I am pretty sure if we show this picture to people they would automatically know who the Kardash are and maybe start naming them. (especially Kim)

This picture basically depicts the obesity in America. How we sell unhealthy foods. What is ironic is that the sign with the list of very unhealthy foods has a picture of vegetables in the back ground however there is not one health food listed in the directory.I believe its stating that we know that vegetables are there, we clearly see them but we choose the fatty foods, the foods with lots of sugar or grease.

Stanislaw, Bulgaria
They promote this idea of having a career and making a lot of money. But many times what causes those divorces are that both parents did, they have like different paths. Their careers are not crossing each other, and they separate, and the kids are the ones that suffer from this, you know, but nobody realize it since the primary aim is money, you know, having the big career. And, I think you should know where to stop, you know, and where to spend more time with family.

So, I guess that surprised me. I realized that here. I wasn't aware before I came here that, that this is going on, and those are the causes for all those things. 

In my country, people get married at very early age, most of the time they're still students. But people believe and I believe, too, that struggle is a good thing. They are poor, there are a lot of jobless, but, and they get married and they eventually have kids, and they go through this struggle to support a family, which unites them. So some struggle is good. And even though they're so poor, more of them survive as a married couple and to the end

Mia, Finland
I think they are very unworldly. They kind of it's all about America, American people, American everything. But they don't really know about the rest of the world at all. They tend to think everybody likes America. I also think that Americans feel like they are not as vulnerable as anybody else in the world. There are people who been living for tens of years under bomb threats and in war, and they don't even seem to realize that. That is like every day life for people in other countries. Even if it's they don't have enough food. They are starving. Or bombing. Or war. But most Americans just are not aware of it.

Chapter 29

In this chapter what caught my attention was the Watergate scandal. Nixon was a very paranoid president because he wanted to win the elections. (his paranoia was so extreme because he lost to Kennedy 1960's elections) He was very camera shy, not good in public settings, and a very nervous guy. People can tell he was very anxious. The Watergate scandal led Nixon to resign. Nixon hired 5 men McCord and four other men who were in the creep group broke into the Democratic party's headquarters in the Watergate. (a hotel office building  in Washington, DC. They got caught going through private files and trying to plant listening devices in the offices. McCord was the one that basically rated out president Nixon, he wrote a letter to the judge stating that high republicans and white house officials knew about the break in and paid the robbers to stay quiet during the trials. After that confession many things unraveled.  For example the enemies list, documents linking Nixon to cover up the break in and his reelection committee ran a dirty tricks campaign. If that wasn't enough evidence Nixon had secrete tapes recorded that clearly showed he was involved in the break-in. The supreme court ruled that Nixon must release the taped conversations (rather than be impeached) but Nixon than resigned from office. I like hearing about scandals that involves the government because I like to hear how the government tries to cover up their mistakes. This happen today when the guy released important, top secret files that involved the government. of course he was punished. I don't agree with the verdict. He didn't physically harm anyone. He tried to show what is truly happening in the government system. I believe that the government is hiding so many details from society. So I believe he did the right thing. Yes, it may have out the government in jeopardy but helped society. Isn't the government suppose to protect America? be all for the people?

Extra Credit;12 Years a Slave Movie

Over the weekend I watched the movie 12 Years a Slave, an autobiography by Solomon Northup. This movie is during the Pre-Civil war in the US. Solomon was one of the lucky African American people because he was a free slave. He was from New York (upstate) where he lived with his family; 2 kids and his wife. He was well off , a nice home, middle class family living among white families. He played the violin for a living.The movie shows us how Solomon ( a free slave) was abducted and sold into slavery. A brutal, intense and terrifying story. No words can express what he went through.
The film began with flashbacks he encountered in different plantations. It all started when he was offered to travel in a circus to play in their band. Two white men approached him (since he was known in his town for his talents) of course they explained the cost per day (which was a dollar a day) and he decided to take their offer. All three went to dinner, started drinking however they poisoned his drink and went down hill from there. Once he woke up he found himself hand cuffed and his feet cuffed in a dungeon.He could not move and was very confused. This is when he tells us his journey of being a slave. He went on the middle passage (a ship full of slaves, not enough space, females being raped, and the slaves are being beaten for no reason. He was given a new identity ( given a new name) when he tried to correct the white people, they would beat him. He was taken to get sold to wealthy white people. The slaves are stripped down naked and are put on display for the white people to choose. The head master (the person in charge of selling the slaves) basically advertises the men/woman's abilities for example what they are capable of doing. I was shocked, they were being treated like a piece of meat. The details presented in the film is very gruesome like beating the slaves for instance, tying the slaves to a pole and whipping their backs until blood is gushing out, hanging them and just torturing them. Northup was a free man, he knew how to read and write and his vocab level was higher than most slaves.He worked with 3 different slave owners.
The movie was portrayed very well, the actors brought emotion and pain to the film. I honestly cried watching the movie. It was very hard to see the pain the slaves had to go through, the struggle just to survive.This movie is nothing compare to other terrifying stories. It was very hard to swallow the thought of what these slaves had to go through. Solomon was a free black man, he was born free. but that all changed in a matter of seconds. I couldn't imagine what non free African Americans had to go through. I do recommend to watch this movie, it truly captures the intense world of slavery and how a born free man cant escape the world of slavery.

The 2 men that abducted him;                                  

Cotton plantations
His family;                
                                                           Getting off the ship. Getting ready to be sold.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Primary Source; Today

Civil rights activist Rev. William Owens, who is founder and president of the Coalition of African-American Pastors, said "there is no comparison between the civil rights movement and the gay community’s fight for same-sex marriage." In his video he expresses how the gay community cannot relate there discrimination to the African Americans discrimination. He states;  “I marched and many other thousands of people marched in this same location years ago on the claim that we were being discriminated against, and today the other community is trying to say that they are suffering the same thing that we suffered, but I tell you they are not." He is against gay marriage and marched to defend the sacred institution of marriage. Owen expresses how gay marriage movement cannot compare the struggles Blacks had to face to fight for discrimination.He states that homosexuals choose the gay lifestyle, He points out that " there is absolutely nothing I can do to change the color of my skin." He says (referring to the gay community) " they are not suffering what we suffered, and I sympathize with people who face discrimination. Every person should be treated with dignity and respect, but what they're going through does not compare to what we went through." He strongly believes that he gay community trying to change the definition of marriage will be "devastating to all of our families." 


Primary Source; The problem is still here.

My primary source is a video of Malcolm X talking about solving the race problem. He describes how white liberals try to solve the race problem but it is still occurring. (basically failing ) Although the video is only couple minutes long  he expresses his concerns and his opinion about the white liberals. He explains how Lincoln  supposedly fought the civil war to solve the race problem but "the problem still here." He then continues to say Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation  to solve the race problem but " the problem is still here." He states " more white liberals came along with the 13th, 14th and 5th Amendment which were suppose to solve the race problem, the problem is still here." 9 years later more white liberals came along and came up with supreme court desegregation decision and the problem still here. Kennedy  came along running for president and told Negros what he was going to do for them if they voted for him and they of course voted for him (80% of them) he been in office for 3 years and the problem still here!He explains what is happening in Alabama; Police dogs fighting black women, black children, and black babies. Kennedy talked about what he couldn't do because no federal law had been violated and as soon as Negros exploded and began to protect themselves and got the best crackers then president Kennedy started to bring in the troops. He didn't have any new law when he sent the troops when the Negros erupted then he had at the time when the whites erupted. He ends his speech by stating, " We are within our rights and with justice with justification when we express doubt concerning the ability of the white man to solve our problems and also when we express doubt concerning his sincerity because you have to confess that the problem has been around for a long time and whites have been saying the same thing for about the past 100 years and no where near our solution than it was 100 years ago."
When viewing the video you can see his emotion and determination for change, his frustration comes out at the end of the video. He is basically criticizing the white people and voicing how they are not making no type of change,they are all talk and no action. But when action is made it is against the blacks. I enjoyed researching primary sources and reading/watching what the Africans Americans had to go through. I like to see their emotions  and what they have to say especially the inspirational leaders trying to make a difference.


Monday, November 11, 2013

chapter 28

John. F. Kennedy was the president during this era. He focused on liberal economic policies. The economy also grew mostly because of business. It helped by lowering taxes, investment credits and depreciation allowances. The civil rights movement created hostility in society but also promoted progress and change. African Americans were affected by this movement. Jim Crow laws was created and basically set restrictions and limitations on Blacks. Blacks had the ability to do what whites did but had to be separate from them. For example separate doors to enter a building, separate sitting areas and separate drinking fountains. etc The main focus of civil rights was voting rights. Blacks wanted the opportunity to vote. The Mississippi summer project was a campaign to register African Americans to vote. The blacks were not the only group looked down upon. The Native Americans and Hispanics. There were several leaders in this area standing up and fighting (non violent) for equal rights. This is what I enjoy reading; non violent leaders in America who actually made a difference. It is possible to see change without being violent. ( now and days we see a lot of violent acts for no reason) Some non violent leaders were Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X and Cesar Chavez. Cesar Chavez organized a nationwide boycott to assist farm workers  in California. Feminist movement formed creating the National Organization for Women. This movement established health collectives, day care centers, founded birth control and abortion counseling. ( It looked out for the women and their needs) The Civil rights movement re creating society and redirected it.

Chapter 27

In chapter 27 the government had a great impact on re-establishing the new nation. For example government expenditures were a major source of the nations growth and economic well being. They government also sponsored technical and scientific research, big businesses increased and overseas facilities created "multinational" enterprises.The farming industry also changed due to the mechanical and chemical techniques and the small farms decreased (farm families moved to the cities) The creation of the Brettan Law created the IMF, GATT and the world bank which secured US dominance in the world finance. Reading about the debt and how it all started was shocking to me because this when it all started. The use of credit card increased the debt in society. The media was popular as well. It thrived on juvenile delinquency. The young generation exploded with the new music (rock and roll) Woman's  roles also increased, they became more independent most were bale to become teachers, nurses, or librarians and they had the opportunity to attend college! This era was a turning point for society and how society transformed into what it is today. (However we are still growing and making advancements)